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Thanksgiving Community Serving Opportunities

There are so many ways to serve our community this year.
1. We are collecting Hygiene Items to be delivered to Homeless Encampments around Solano County by our sister church Fire People. Items are needed by Sunday 11/19. Click Here! for a list of needed items.

2. We are providing a meal for Solano Dream Center in Vallejo on 11/18 for those people living in their Vallejo Shelter. If you would like more information on this event and to get on the list Email us at and let us know you want to be the Hands of Hope.

3. Fairfield CAN Thanksgiving Meal 11/21. The city of Fairfield partners with local churches every year to provide a community meal to anyone in need the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. If you would like to help with a donation of food or serving on that day please contact City Church 242 @ (707)426-2172.

October 13

Glory Carriers - Women's Conference

March 29

Good Friday Service